Tag: photography

  • The bad shot

    I have tens of thousands of bad shots. It’s nice to know I am not the only one guilty of this sin in photography. Missing a great shot can haunt you for years. Here is an interesting related article from the Guardian UK. http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2012/mar/28/best-shot-that-got-away?intcmp=239

  • What do you being to the table?

      Come out to EGAD Art Lab this weekend and help me with my project “What do you bring to the table”. I am exploring via the medium of photography how members of the local community are making this a better place to live.   View Larger Map

  • Richard Jochum

    I was asked to photograph an international artist and good friend for his up coming exhibition in China Richard Jochum is a studio member at the Elizabeth Foundation of the Arts and an adjunct professor at Teachers College Columbia University in the Department of Arts and Humanities and the Film and Education Research Academy FERA.…

  • Wedding Video

    People where shocked to find out I shoot weddings, so I put together a video with samples of my shooting style I like to use when shooting a very special day. I want to use my creativity to show the true beauty of a wedding. I want to avoid the cliches that many use as…

  • Getting close to your subject

    Sometimes you have to get close to your subject. Sometimes you may not to be that close. Lucky I do not have a fear of spiders or huge monster spiders we get here in Florida.  I am told it is a Golden silk orb-weaver, I found this guy way out in the deep swamps of…

  • Working on editing skills

    Working on my editing skills, the thing I had to learn was to be subtle with edits and move in very small steps. This was a shot from the 2008 cover for Space Coast Living

  • Boiler Room

    I was told about this very creepy basement/boiler room under the studio. Being a Florida native I have no experience with underground structures. I found this place intriguing and fet with some themes I want to explore. here is Jacquie in the basement