Category: Uncategorized

  • Sunset and Storm…

    On my way home I stopped and caught a sunset and storm coming in the area. I was using my Canon G10, I over all happy with the camera. If I don’t want the weight or bulkiness of a DSLR, it is in my pocket.

  • Underwater Photography

    Getting a good image in a nice calm studio is hard work. Shooting underwater is another whole other level. I drove up to Blue Springs State Park only to find it over crowed and admission to the park was blocked. Lucky Ponce de Leon Springs State Park was open had reasonable number for people. As we drove…

  • You know when the surf is big when…

    Hurricane Bill is stirring up the surf in the Atlantic. I was shooting with the big lens at 2nd Light,local name for a surf spot. I got there early but the surf spray created a haze that killed any attempt to get a shot of the uncommon big surf breaking locally. The sun light behind…

  • I reject your reality!!!

  • An Unlikely Weapon The Eddie Adams Story

  • Last few days…

    I should chronicle the mad dash to get everything done to launch a museum show. Shooting, reshooting, editing, video, editing video, building mounts for the photographs, marketing… Going to be a long night

  • Quote…

    Conformity is the safe haven for the unimaginative… John Sluder 2004