Category: Blogging

  • How many pictures do you take in a month?

    How many photos do you shoot in a month?

  • MMA Event in Melbourne

    Will photographing a local MMA event, friday night weigh in’s at Duffys and fights at Levelz night club this Saturday.

  • Backyard

    I was shooting in my backyard with trying to make up my mind on selling my macro lens. It is a great lens and have shot some nice images with it but I wondering if I might more use out of a different lens. The lens I have now is the Canon Telephoto EF 180mm…

  • Getting close to your subject

    Sometimes you have to get close to your subject. Sometimes you may not to be that close. Lucky I do not have a fear of spiders or huge monster spiders we get here in Florida.  I am told it is a Golden silk orb-weaver, I found this guy way out in the deep swamps of…

  • Printing offer

    I received this offer from Ken Allen Studios, I am going to try and get an hour of time to print many of my new images I shot while in New York. August 12, 2010 Dear John I hope you are well, and will take a moment to read about an event I will be…

  • The last Kodachrome Roll This is interesting story about the last roll of Kodachrome film. I have been working with a families collection of images from around the world.

  • Old Images

    I have a good amount of old film & slides of my own and of my grandfathers with me in NYC. I am working at Ken Allen Studios in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. On of the core service provided my Ken’s studio is digitizing images. I have old color slides & 35mm negatives that are deteriorating from…