Category: Art For Sale

  • Installation photos for the “A new beginning” exhibition.

    Off Center Art Center is happy to start 2014 with some inspiring work from three established Brevard county artists that deserve your attention! “A New Beginning” features Tom Busby, Rose Jefferson and Owen Tamburr with works selected by curator John Sluder. Come and enjoy this visual feast of innovative yet complimentary styles!

  • Off Center Art Center

    Some of my black and white work on display at Off Center Art Center. I have a number of my 20″ X 30″ and a 40″ x 60″ print on display till the end of the month. You can find Off Center Art Center here Here is a write-up by Kyle Heinly Right now as I…

  • Print for Sale

    I have a 60″ X 40″ print Forrest Nymphs for sale! $300 at Off Center Art Center till the end of the month Take a look at these miter saw reviews, just in case you might be interested i have 1 piece of that as well.